October 2024
September☛ October
☛ Buffalo Historical Museum
Celebrating the great Buffalo songwriters Harold Arlen, Jack Yellen and Ray Henderson at the Buffalo Historical Museum.
Join us a at: 1 Museum Court, for a multimedia presentation these musical giants.
☛ 2:00 pm ☛ 10/19
☛ Folf Faces Fest
Folkfaces fest
Jazzbugs will be at Folk Faces again this year.
3pm to 4pm on Friday October 4th.
Folkfaces Fest 8! Save the date!
October 3rd-6th 2024. 1516 Sumner Road, Darien Center.
☛ 3:00 pm ☛ 10/04
☛ Nietzsche's
Nietzsche's Sunday 10/20/24
3:30 to 5:30
Jazzbugs Yeowzah yeowzah! Dr. Jazz!! Come see us.
☛ 3:30 pm ☛ 10/20
Nietzsche's Sunday 10/27/24
3:30 to 5:30
Jazzbugs Yeowzah yeowzah! Dr. Jazz!! ☛ 10/27
Coming Soon